Renold Gears and COVID-19

To all our customers & suppliers; 

We would like to assure you that Renold Gears remains fully committed to the health and safety of our workforce and any visitors to the Milnrow site.

Consequently, and in accordance with the latest Government guidelines, we have put measures in place which protect our employees but also allow our day to day business activities to continue with as little interruption as possible.

These measures include equipping relevant employees with the tools they need to work from home, replacing face to face meetings with phone / skype calls and operating rota systems to ensure some continuity of service throughout these difficult times. 

At the end of the day we are a manufacturing business and opportunities for home working are limited. Therefore we will continue to revise the working shifts in our factory to ensure we maximise back-up cover whilst minimising contact between employees. At the same time we are also taking into account those employees who need to self-isolate due to underlying health conditions.

We are reviewing the risks in our supply chains to understand where we will have the most difficulty in bringing materials onto the site and we will keep producing for as long as we possibly can to deliver against the commitments we have made against orders already received. We will also do everything we can to ensure reliable ongoing supply, against reasonable lead times, for any new requirements. 

We will not compromise the health and wellbeing of our employees and we will not ignore Government guidelines concerning the current pandemic. None of us can predict how long these unprecedented changes to the way we have to work will last, however we will constantly monitor the advice we are given and the effectiveness of the arrangements we have put in place, making changes we deem necessary and / or appropriate at short notice. Clearly we will notify you of any significant changes to the arrangements outlined above.

You can continue to call us by telephone on 01706 751000, but given limited numbers of people manning phones in the sales office, wherever possible please use our email: which is continuously monitored.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need further clarification.

Thank you for your continued support,

Nigel Petty

Managing Director